Category Archives: Canon EF lens

Open Water: Canon 8-15mm with Kenko 1.4 Teleconverter

In a previous post I described the use of the Canon 8-15mm as a zoom fisheye using the Kenko Teleplus HDpro teleconverted.

I had the opportunity to try this set up in Malpelo although in a situation that was not ideal for it.

I put this lens on expecting some wide angle school shots and instead it ended up being a dive with Galapagos sharks coming fairly close.

With the imminent launch of the Nauticam Fisheye Conversion Port many users will ask if they shoud invest in that or they can get decent quality at more affordable cost spending less then £800 for a teleconverter set up. I assume any Sony full frame E-mount shooters own both the Canon 8-15mm and the Sony 28-60mm.

Edit 9 March 2024

Studio Shots

I found some time to do some tests at f/16 distance 25cm which is typical of wide angle in a dome.

As you can see the kenko 1.4 TC does not loose any quality compared to the bare lens and looks more magnified at same focal lenght in the centre.

Canon 8-15 15mm f/16
Canon 8-15 1.4 15mm f16

Why is the quality the same? Probably the Canon 8-15mm is a better lens at 10.7mm that it is at 15mm and therefore even with the teleconverters result match. This corroborates my in water results.

Malpelo Shots Analysis

The dive was early in the morning and topside overcast resulting in a fairly dark dive.

The sharks came fairly close however as soon as the strobe fired they turned on their back. My impression was that this was more due to the noise of the strobe firing then the actual light.

All my shark shots are at f/8 1/30 ISO 500. As the shutter speed is quite low you have situations where the subject is sharp but some of the fish at the edges has some motion blur this is unrelated to the lens.


If you open the above image on a separate tab and zoom 100% you will see that the shark is pin sharp and so are the small fish on the same focal plane and the one behind. The reef on the left bottom corner is soft.

This has to be expected as the focal point is further back from the shark so the camera is out of depth of field on that corner.

The situation repeats in other shots like this one where the shark is even closer however the edge improves due to the reduced distance gap with the reef.

Checking in
Turn back

Again shot after shot the fact I was focussing on the shark that was deeper in the frame resulted in the left edge being soft, this has to be expected and there is nothing wrong with the set up the dome or else.

I took some shots really close on the reef at f/16 to make the point here the muray eel is sticking out of the reef so the edges look much better.

This other shot has an hawkfish in the edge you can still see the coloration and the eyeball of the fish.


In general terms shooting f/8 on full frame is not an example of small aperture in fact this is a setting for distant subjects almost and wide angle scenes. In the environmental situation I was in I could have increased the ISO to achive higher shutter speed and smaller aperture however this would have resulted in more noise and loss of resolution across the whole frame. My view is that for general wide angle where there is no clear subject you can try to focus closer to have the edges sharper however this is not always a possibility with sharks and things moving and furthermore there is rarely anything of interest in the edges.

This was my second time with this combination and I remain of the opinion that the teleconverter does not take anything away in the center of the frame and deteriorates the edges only just slightly and is therefore a worth addition. The nauticam FCP is not yet released and combined with the 28-60mm will for sure produce a more flexible set up because of the increased zoom range compared to the teleconverter however if this produces better image quality on the overlapping range remains to be seen. I expect it will cost considerably more than the £800 required to add the teleconverter to your Canon 8-15mm.

Canon 8-15mm with Kenko 1.4 Teleconverter

Since many years Canon and Nikon full frame users are able to use their respective 8-15mm with a teleconverter underwater, however this is not a very popular configuration.

In this article I will look at the Canon 8-15mm with the Kenko Teleconverter 1.4x for Sony full frame cameras.

First and foremost a teleconverter is not cropping the image it has optical elements. Cropping means reducing the resolution at sensor level while a teleconverter induces a deterioration of the image and possible defect but does not affect the sensor resolution. Generally 1.4x TC is much better than 1.4 crop. If you find yourself cropping a lot your fisheye shots or even using the 8-15mm in APSC mode the teleconverter may add some real value to you so read along.

Parts Required

In addition to the set up required to use the Canon 8-15mm you need 3 additional items:

Kenko Teleplus HD Pro 1.4 DGX
  • Kenko 1.4 Teleconverter
  • Canon 8-15+TC zoom gear
  • Extension ring N120 20mm
N120 Extension ring 20
Canon 8-15mm with Tc and gear

The benefits of this set up are clear:

  1. Unique field of view
  2. Smaller additional bulk
  3. Relatively low cost

Some readers have emailed asking if the Kenko is compatible with the Sigma MC-11. I do not recommend using the Sigma MC-11 with the Canon 8-15mm because it only supports single AF and it is unclear if the Kenko will work or not and how well. I have tested with the Metabones smart adapter and this is the one I recommend.

Field of view

The 8-15mm lens with teleconverter will give you access to a zoom fisheye 15-21mm with field of view between 175 and 124 degrees. This is a range not available with any other lens of water contact optic that stop normally at 130 or 140 degrees.

Additional Bulk

The additional items add circa 370 grams to the rig without teleconverter and make is 20mm longer due to the additional extension. The additional fresh water weight is circa 110 grams.


The latest version of the Kenko Teleplus 1.4X HD DGX can be found in UK for £149.

The 20mm extension ring II is £297 and the C815-Z+1.4 Zoom gear is £218. Note this is in addition to the 30mm extension required for the 8-15.

With a total cost of £664 you are able to obtain the entire set up.

The rig looks identical to the fisheye except is a bit longer. You have a choice of 140mm glass dome or 4.33″ acrylic dome see previous article.

Additional extension ring on otherwise identical rig

With the rig assembled I made my way to the pool with the local diving club.

Pool Session

The 8-15mm with teleconverter was my first pool session with the A1 on the 3rd of February I was very much looking forward to this but at the same time I had not practiced with the A1 underwater previously and did not have my new test props. I think the images that follow will give a good idea anyway.

15mm Tests

At 15mm (zoom position somewhere between 10 and 11 mm on the lens) the image is excellent quality in the centre and I find very difficult to tell this apart from the lens without TC except for the color rendering. I believe the Kenko takes a bit away from the Canon original color rendering.

Peter at 15mm f/11
Dad and Son 15mm f/8
Diver girl f/11

At close range you get the usual depth of field issues depending on where you focus but this is not a teleconverter issue.

CFWA 15mm f/8
Peter and croc

For comparison a 15mm image without TC.


Zooming In

Obviously what is interesting it that you can zoom in here a set of shots at 16, 18, 21 mm.

16mm f/8
18mm f/8
21mm f/8

Finishing up with the required selfie.

21mm f/8


I enjoyed the teleconverter with the Canon 8-15mm and in my opinion in the overlapping focal length this set up provides better image quality of the WWL-1. I shot for most at f/8 as I was not very close and this actually shows the TC does not really degrade the image much.

You need to ask yourself when you will need 124 to 175 degrees diagonal and the answer is close up shots of mantas and whalesharks where a fisheye may be too much and 130 degrees may be too little. The set up also works if you want to do close up work and zoom in however I reserve the right to assess more in detail using my new in water props when I have some time.

Canon 8-15mm with 4.33″ Acrylic Dome for Sony A1

Following from a previous article about not increasing bulk I have considered a few options for the Canon 8-15mm fisheye.

The 8-15mm is not a small lens and due to the different flange distance between Canon EF mount for DSLR (44mm) and Sony E-Mount (18mm) we have a chunky 35.5mm N100 to N120 adapter port that makes the whole set up not that compact.

Dome Options 140mm vs 4.33″

The Nauticam port chart recommends the 140mm glass fisheye dome for the 8.15mm, this port is 69mm radius and is made with anti reflective optical glass and weights 630 grams.

140mm Glass Dome on Scale

There is another dome from Nauticam the 4.33″ acrylic but this does not feature on the port chart for the Canon 8-15mm.

I did some calculations and this dome should require the same extension so I ordered one conscious that this would be lighter but not necessarily increase the underwater lift due to a reduced volume.

4.33″ dome weight

Although there is a difference of 362 grams the smaller volume will result in less buoyancy 348g lift vs 688g lift for the 140mm so overall the additional buoyancy is only 22 grams.

4.33″ vs 140mm

The primary benefit of this smaller dome is that it gets you closer this in turn means that things will look bigger and as consequence depth of field will drop. Depth of field depends on magnification and as you will get closer it will drop compared to other domes. So larger domes have more depth of field not because they are larger when you are at close range but simply because your camera focal plane is standing further back.

To give an idea this is a little miniature shot with the 140mm dome with the target touching the glass port.

140mm dome close up

This is the same target with the 4.33″ dome.

4.33 dome

Side by side shows the difference in magnification.

Left 4.33″ dome right 140mm dome

If we look at the same detail we can see that the 140mm dome image detail is less blurred.

4’33 dome vs 140mm dome

We are on land here there is no water involved and the 140mm image is sharper at the edge simply because it is smaller.

As depth of field must be compared at equal magnification we can also bust another myth of larger domes vs smaller domes there is no increased depth of field you are just standing further back if you compared the front of the port instead of the focal plane.

Building the Rig

The extension required is still 30mm as for the 140mm dome,

Acrylic dome profile

The overall size of this dome means it is flush with the extension ring.

Port details the lens hood must be removed

This is the overall rig with the amount of flotation in this image it is around 600 grams negative in fresh water.

4.33 rig

Now that we know what to expect is time to get in the pool and take some shots. I got some miniature aquarium fixtures to simulate a close focus wide angle situation.

Pool Session

Once in water I set up my artificial reef and got shooting.

I was at the point of touching the props so I had to stand back a little. As expected the issue is depth of field.

Shots at f/11

For starter we try to get as close as possible and focus in line with the chick.

Fisheye f/11 Focus on back

Due to the extreme magnification the front details are quite soft. So from here I start moving backwards a little.

Still focussed on the chick the sharpness improves due to reduced magnification this is a simulation of a larger dome.

Fisheye f/11 Focus on chick

There still is severe blurring of the front detail at f/11. However due to the increased depth of field that the dome brings behind the focus point the rest looks pretty good.

Focussing on the middle of the frame at f/11 results in blurry details for the features in the front of the frame but much less blurry than before and the chick is still relatively sharp.

fisheye f/11 Focus on edge front

Focussing on the pink reef detail results in a better overall result in a counterintuitive way.

Shots at f/16

Stopping down the lens results in increased depth of field so more of the image is in focus however the overall sharpness drops. This is a good place to be if you don’t want to be too sophisticated with the choice of focus point and you are close.

You can get closer but the front detail is still a bit soft but acceptable.

Fisheye f/16 Focus on back

If you move your focus point a bit further in front the situation improves.

fisheye f/16 Focus on middle

At this point I decided to get into the picture with a white balance slate.

Fisheye f/16 Focus on back diver

Although the front is quite blurry due to the extreme close range the result is acceptable for the non pixel peeper.

Shots at f/22

We are here hitting diffraction limit and the image looses sharpness but we are after depth of field so be it.

fisheye f/22 Focus on duck

Now the depth of field is there although the detail in the centre is less sharp.

fisheye f/22 Focus on middle

Moving the focus point makes the image a bit better.

Time to insert the diver in the frame.

Fisheye f/22 Focus on back diver

Overall ok not amazing consider the dome is on the parts.


The small acrylic dome does quite well at close range, the limitations come from the depth of field and not from the water and the dome increases the depth of field behind the focus point. This is something that you can use to your advantage if you remember when you are in open water.

For shots that are further away you can shoot at f/11 and get excellent IQ there is no need to stop down further to improve the edges. Consider however that f/8 may be just too wide on full frame and introduce additional aberrations regardless of depth of field.

VideoDiver at f/11

Some numbers:

Nauticam 140mm Glass dome: £911

Nauticam 4.33″ Acrylic dome: £550

Price difference £361 or 40% however bear in mind that the primary benefit of the glass dome is to resist reflections and ghosting due to the coating and the fact you can keep the 8-15mm hood on.

Fisheye Lenses for Underwater myths vs reality

There are several myths surrounding fisheye lenses when it comes to underwater use.

A quick tour to underwater photography guide usually a good source of information.

Myth Busting

Properties of fisheye lens as per UWPG:

  • They usually focus very close
  • They are small and light
  • When shooting ultra-wide angle, you benefit from a large depth of field
  • You can get very close to large subjects, maximizing color and sharpness
  • They perform well behind dome ports with good corner sharpness, and they don’t need a diopter
  • You usually need at least 2 strobes with good angle of coverage to properly light the entire area.

Some of the above statements are correct in absolute, some are correct but not specific to fisheye lenses and some are just incorrect.

Fisheye lenses usually focus very close -> true for the most recent fisheye lenses, not true for some older models

They are small and light -> Not true. Canon 8-15mm and Nikon 8/15mm are fairly chunky lenses with lots of glass

When shooting ultra-wide angle, you benefit from a large depth of field -> not a property of the fisheye lens but of the focal lens. In fact due to the extreme field of view Fisheye lenses have issues of depth of field.

This is a tea towel shot with a rectilinear lens. Note how sharp the target is at f/5.6

Rectilinear f/5.6

This is the same target at the same distance with the Canon 8-15mm at f/5.6 note how the edges are blurry and the blur starts very near centre.

fisheye f/5.6

You need to stop down the lens to f/16 to start getting coverage for the edges.

fisheye f/16

You can get very close to large subjects, maximizing color and sharpness -> This is a consequence of close working distance and wide field of view however sharpness is another story

As we have seen before fisheye shots at close distance are generally not that sharp especially at the edges.

They perform well behind dome ports with good corner sharpness, and they don’t need a diopter This happens to be true in practice and it is a major benefit for the underwater shooter

We will dive in detail in this topic.

You usually need at least 2 strobes with good angle of coverage to properly light the entire area. Fisheye lenses cover an aspect ratio wider than the format aspect ratio and result in limited vertical angle of coverage. Fisheye lenses are ideal for two strobes except the very far edges.

Canon 8-15mm specifications.

Horizontal field of view: 142 degrees

Vertical field of view: 91 degrees

A barrel gives an idea of the fisheye lens distortion

Let’s ignore the edges and assume we are a one meter.

Horizontal field of view 2*tan(71)=5.8 meters

Vertical field of view 2*tan(45.5)=2.03

Aspect Ratio = 2.85:1

The issue with fisheye lenses is that the frame is really very wide much wider than it is tall. This means some of the edges on the horizontal axis will be normally dark unless you are very very close.

Fisheye lenses and Dome Ports

A dome is simply a lens with a single element that has the property to retain the air field of view of a lens.

A dome is a lens with a lot of field of curvature simply because it is bent.

Using the dome port visualiser we can see that the effect of a dome is to bring the image closer to where it really is.

The net effect of a dome port is to increase the depth of field as infinity focus is reached much sooner.

A dome port has several side effects the main ones are:

  • Spherical aberration
  • Field of curvature

A fisheye lens works opposite to a dome. The centre of the frame is closer to the lens the edges are further away.

Domes, field of curvature and Fisheye lenses

In order to understant how the barrel distortion works in combination with a dome port and a fisheye lens we can build a small simulation in a light box where the edges of the frame are closer than a flat target.

Target in a lightbox focussed head on

We can see that despite the edges are quite blurry this image is actually better than our flat target.

f/11 centre

At f/11 the image is not perfect but we can see that most details off centre are not looking bad at all.

f/11 edge
f/11 detail crop

it is definitely blurry but not as bad as the tea towel as if the way the element are laid out improves the image in the corners.

And this is exactly the point: the items as laid out emulating the curvature of a dome improve the fisheye lens performance.

By f/16 the image is almost all sharp.

f/16 centre
f/16 edge
F/16 Centre 100%

One trick is not to focus in the back of the frame but find a middle point this means we can find additional depth of field in front of the target.

Focus mid way

Let’s see how this goes. at f/11 we already get some better results.

f/11 off centre
f/11 edge off centre

f/11 off centre crop

At f/16 we get some additional improvement but is not as major as the original f/16

f/16 off centre

Looking at the other areas there are some minor improvements but generally less as we close down the aperture.

f/16 off centre
f/16 off centre 100% crop detail

In conclusion the layout of the image elements helps the fisheye lens to achieve better image quality this can be futher improve focussing off centre however closing down the aperture results in the best results regardless.

In short we can improve an image at f/11 by shooting off centre in a strategic point to improve depth of field but ultimately aperture plays a bigger role in improving performance of the fisheye lens.

A similar reasoning can be applied to dome size vs closing down the aperture.

We can plot a scenario in the dome simulator tool.

In the starting example our aperture is 4cm to similate our 15mm lens at f/4.

6″ dome f/4 simulator

We now reduce the aperture to 2cm which is more or less f/8

6″ dome f/8 simulation

And finally to 1cm which is more of less f/14. In reality this is mm not cm but should make you understand that aperture matters more than anything else.

6″ dome f/14 smulation

What we can see is that by reducing the aperture the light rays passing through the dome converge and this means stray light is reduced and as consequence spherical aberrations are decreased.

Let’s now introduce dome size which is the equivalent of depth of field in the mix in our light box shooting off centre.

12″ dome f/8 simulation

We can see that with a double size dome the converging effect on the light rays is not as significant as the aperture is already small, but nonetheless is present. This is consistent with our f/11 off centre use case.

Finally at aperture completely closed.

12″ dome f/14 simulation

Although virtual distance has increased significantly the effect of the large dome on the stray rays is not significant here aperture rules.

What does all of the above mean?

I realise this was a bit geeky.

To summarise a dome has two issues one is spherical aberration for the very shape of the dome. This is mostly cured by closing down the aperture. Dome size has limited effect here unless you shoot wide open and with apertures from f/14 we can see that large dome vs small dome does not really matter.

However when it comes to field of curvature large dome helps the situation but because fisheye lens have barrel distortion and this has a counter effect to dome shape curvature therefore dome size matters much less to a fisheye lens than it would to a rectilinear lens.

Some additional insight in this post. And the summary finding here.

The takeaway message is this: stopping down the aperture improves field curvature and astigmatism somewhat, improves coma a lot, and improves spherical aberration most of all. The sum total of these effects changes our ‘area of best focus’, which is what we photographers really mean when we say ‘field curvature’. 

We could paraphrase this by saying:

A dome port increases depth of field and a fisheye lens, due to barrel distortion, benefits from a dome port. Optical aberrations introduced by the dome are mostly addressed by stopping down the aperture. The size of the dome port does not matter too much when using a fisheye lens and the benefit on aberrations of a much larger size dome is likely to be minimal when we look at that simulator. Focussing appropriately mitigates residual issues of field of curvature of the dome for the fisheye lens.

Underwater proof of concept

I took my Sony A1 with a Canon 8-15mm first and then with a WWL-1 that behaves very much like a fisheye lens.

Let’s have a look at some images shot with Nauticam 140mm dome.

The two buddies at f/8

The image above sees two buddies in the frame almost flat with their fins going back in the frame however the result is much better than the lightbox example as result of distance and dome port increasing field of view and adding curvature to bring the fins in.

This however does not resolve all issues if you focus near like in this example focussed on the eye of the croc

Focus on the eye at f/8

Here the eye is close resulting in the tail being blurred this is an effect of close distance and lack of depth of field despite the dome.

More interesting the nose is even more blurred as the dome brings that even close and blurs away due to field of curvature as the focus point is behind.

In this other example instead of focussing on the eye the focus goes mid frame so the fins are still in decent shape even if deep in the frame at f/8.

Focus midway

In order to prove the concept even more I took some props underwater.

First let’s have a look a shot at f/8 with the WWL-1.

Close up at f/8

As we can see the image is not too bad even in the close area but it is definitely better at f/11

Close up at f/11

What happens if we position the target off centre?

Contrary to our topside example the situation does not improve by focussing on the edge to further prove the issue here is NOT depth of field.

Focus off centre f/8

Here a detail crop the image is still fuzzy despite then focus is right on the spot. Depth of field is not the issue.

Edge focus at f/8

And finally we close down the aperture to f/11.

Edge at f/11

Crop at 100%

Edge at f/11

So here we can see that the underwater interface provides already for the depth of field but moving the focus at the edges does not have such a good effect.

Why? Because this is likely to do with aberrations of the lens itself as shown in my previous post on the Sony 28-60mm.

The combined 28mm with WWL-1 at f/8 means 20/8-2.5 mm aperture when stopped down to f/11 this becomes small enough to cure aberrations (less than 1cm with reduced field of view is sufficient).

For the same reason ASPC and MFT will be able to shoot at wider aperture not because of depth of field but due to smaller lens aperture.

15mm fisheye at f/14 –> 1.07mm physical aperture

8mm MFT fisheye at f/8 –> 1mm physical aperture

Again it is not the depth of field but the aperture size to cure most aberrations.


All Nauticam port chart recommend the 140mm dome and not larger domes. This is aligned with the theory behind this post that dome size ultimately matters but not as much as stopping down the lens and that fisheye are naturally helped by dome port geometry.

This conclusion also extends to water contact optics which are composed by a fisheye like demagnifier and an integrated dome port.

As long as the rear element of the lens is big enough the increased size of the lens does not result in proportional improvement of performance.

To support the empirical evidence of this article you can read this review of the 140mm dome by Alex Mustard.

By coincidence Alex recommends shooting at f/14 or f/16 which means a physical aperture of 1mm which cures all sorts of aberrations.

Considering that the benefit of a much larger dome may be as small as 1/2 to 2/3 aperture stops you may consider going the opposite way and get a very small dome which will result in additional spherical aberration and will need to be stopped down more when shooting very close.

If you use the Nauticam system there are only two ports that are a full emisphere and therefore able to contain a fisheye lens field of view:

  • 140mm optical glass fisheye port
  • 4.33″ acrylic dome port

I happen to own both those ports and in a future article will compare and contrast the two. I will also revisit the topic of dome ports and rectilinear lenses which is obviously different from fisheye lenses.

Canon 8 – 15 mm Fisheye on the Panasonic GH5 Pool Tests

It was time to get wet and test the Canon 8 – 15 mm fisheye on the GH5 in the pool so I made my way to Luton Aspire with the help of Rec2Tec Bletchley.

I had the change to try a few things first of all to understand the store coverage of the fisheye frame, this is something I had not tested before but I had built a little model.

In purple the ideal rectangle built with the maximum width and height of the fisheye frame

This model ignores the corners the red circle are 90 degrees light beams and the amber is the 120 degrees angle. A strobe does not have a sharp fall off when you use diffusers so this model assumes your strobe can keep within 1 Ev loss around 90 degrees and then drop down to – 4 Ev at 120 degrees. I do not want to dig too deep into this topic anyway this is what I expected and this is the frame.

Shot at 1.5 meters from pool wall

You can see a tiny reflection of the strobes together with a mask falling on the left hand side… In order to test my theory I run this through false colour on my field monitor, at first glance it looks well lit and this is the false colour.

False colour diagram of previous shot

As you can see the strobes drop below 50 at the green colour band and therefore the nominal width of those strobes is probably 100 degrees. In the deep corners you see the drop to 20 % 10% and then 0 %.

Time to take some shots

Divers hovering @ 8 mm

The lens is absolutely pin sharp across the frame, I was shooting at f/5.6 in the 140 mm glass dome.

Happy divers @ 9 mm
BCD removal @ 10 mm
Gliding @ 11 mm
Open Water class @ 12mm
Divers couple @ 13 mm
Hover @ 15 mm

Performance remains stunning across the zoom range. I also tried few shots at f/4

9 mm f/4

There is no reef background but looks pretty good to me.

The pool gives a strong blue cast so the shots are white balanced.

If you want details of the rig and lens mount are in a previous post

Fisheye Zoom for Micro Four Thirds

Panasonic GH5 zoom fisheye rig

Fisheye Zoom for Micro Four Thirds

Looking at Nauticam port chart the only option for a fisheye zoom is to combine the Panasonic PZ 14-42 with a fisheye add on lens. This is a solution that is not that popular due to low optical quality.

So micro four thirds users have been left with a prime fisheye lens from Panasonic or Olympus…until now!

Looking at Nauticam port chart we can see that there is an option to use the Speedbooster Metabones adapter and with this you convert your MFT camera to a 1.42x crop allowing you to use Canon EF-M lenses for cropped sensor including the Tokina 10-17mm fisheye. This is certainly an option and can be combined with a Kenko 1.4x teleconverter giving you a range of 14.2 to 33.8 mm in full frame equivalent or 7.1 to 16.9 mm in MFT terms fisheye zoom of which the usable range is 8 -16.9 mm after removing vignetting.

A further issue is that the Speedbooster gives you another stop of light limiting the aperture to f/16 while this is generally a bonus for land shooting in low light underwater we want to use all apertures all the way to f/22 for sunbursts even if this means diffraction problems.

Wolfgang Shreibmayer started a trend time ago in WetPixel to use full frame lenses and in this post I want to do a deep dive on what is for me the most interesting lens option the Canon 8-15mm fisheye.

This lens on full frame can be used for a circular and diagonal fisheye but Wolfgang has devised a method to use it as an 8-15mm fisheye zoom on MFT.

Part list – missing the zoom gear

What you need are the following:

  • Canon EF 8-15mm f/4L fisheye USM
  • Metabones Smart Adapter MB_EF_m43_BT2 or Viltrox EF-M1 Adapter
  • A 3D printed gear extension ring
  • Nauticam C-815Z zoom gear
  • Nauticam 36064 N85 to N120 34.7mm port adapter with knob
  • Nauticam 21135 35mm extension ring with lock
  • Nauticam 18810 N120 140mm optical glass fisheye port

The assembly is quite complicated as the lens won’t fit through the N85 port. It starts with inserting the camera with no lens in the housing.

GH5 body only assembly
Camera in housing without port

The next step is to fit the port adapter

Attach N85 N120 Metabones adapter

Then we need to prepare the lens with the smart adapter once removed the tripod mount part.

Canon 8-15 on Metabones Smart Adapter IV

As the port is designed for the speed booster the lens will be few mm off therefore the gear will not grip. Wolfgang has devised a simple adapter to make it work.

gear extension ring
Zoom gear on lens

This shifts the gear backwards allowing to grip on the knob.

3D design is here

Lens inserted on housing

Looking at nauticam port chart an extension ring of 30mm is recommended for the speedbooster and now we have extra 5mm in length Wolfgang uses a 35mm extension. however looking at the lens entrance pupil I have concluded that 30mm will be actually better positioned. Nauticam have confirmed there won’t be performance differences. You need to secure the ring on the dome before final assembly.

Fisheye dome and extension
Full assembly top view
Side front view

The rig looks bigger than the 4.33 dome but the size of the GH5 housing is quite proportionate. It will look bigger on a traditional small size non clam style housing.

The disassembly will be made again in 3 steps.


I am not particularly interested in the 1.4x teleconverter version consider that once zoomed in to 15mm the lens is horizontally narrower than a 12mm native lens so there is no requirement for the teleconverter at all.

This table gives you an idea of the working range compared to a rectilinear lens along the horizontal axis as diagonal is not a fair comparison. The lens is very effective at 8-10mm where any rectilinear would do bad then overlaps with an 8-18mm lens. The choice of lens would be dictated by the need to have or not straight lines. The range from 13mm is particularly useful for sharks and fish that do not come that close.

Focal lengthHorizontalVerticalDiagonalHorizontal Linear EqWidthHeightDiagonal

Wolfgang has provided me with some shots that illustrate how versatile is this set up.

8mm end surface shot
Caves 8mm
15mm end close up
Dolphins at 15mm
Diver close up at 8mm
Snell windows 8mm
Robust ghost pipefish @15mm

As you can see you can even shoot a robust ghost pipefish!

The contrast of the glass dome is great and the optical quality is excellent. On my GH5 body there is uncorrected chromatic aberration that you can remove in one click. Furthermore lens profiles are available to de-fish images and make them rectilinear should you want to do so.

I would like to thank Wolfgang for being available for questions for providing the 3D print and the images that are featured here on this post.

If you can’t print 3D and need an adapter ring I can sell you one for £7 plus shipping contact me for arrangements.

Amazon links UK

Canon EF 8-15 mm f/4 fisheye USM lens

Viltrox EF-M1 Mount Adapter

Note: it is possible to use a Metabones Speed Booster Ultra in combination with a Tokina 10-17mm zoom fisheye and a smaller 4.33″ acrylic dome.

UK Cost of the canon option: £3,076

Uk Cost of the Tokina option: £2,111

However if you add the glass dome back

UK Cost of Tokina with glass dome: £2,615

The gap is £461 and if you go for a Vitrox adapter (would not recommend for the speedbooster) the difference on a comparable basis is £176 which for me does not make sense as the Canon optics are far superior.

So I would say either Tokina in acrylic for the cost conscious or Canon in glass for those looking for the ultimate optical quality.